- #Universal uberoid wm8650 by hch code#
- #Universal uberoid wm8650 by hch Pc#
- #Universal uberoid wm8650 by hch free#
- #Universal uberoid wm8650 by hch windows#
The options that state they are 512MB do not need this patch. * added 512MB support (TEST version! Please give me feedback!) You can now use the changer's new command "RAM512" to enable 512MB RAM support, AFTER you have chosen your model! Make sure you really have 512MB in your device. * added search function in the changer to easily find your model
#Universal uberoid wm8650 by hch code#
* updated changer / deleted excessive code * added new model 47=jinghan_10inch_lvds1603_wifibtn 10"

* added xtra modules (XTRAMODS in the CHANGER)

* changed e10 option to exclude sound boost default

* activated in phone support (thanks to tester momomimi) * updated phone support (thanks aitrack!) * added Leeh33's tts (text to speech) support * made a more tight Lite package, Lite is now another 33MB smaller in disksize! * added new model 58=Sungale_Cyberus_ID702WTA_722 7" * fixed option 18 (Thanks to Virtual_Nobody) * removed 512MB support and 512MB tablet models * Real working Google Market Changelog: v11 Beta3 * Tries to support as many languages as possible * Customizable ROM, make it more LITE for example, type X to see all options
#Universal uberoid wm8650 by hch windows#
* Run CHANGER to make the ROM compatible with your device using Windows * Extreme WM8650 compatibility (80 models +!) * Hone圜omb styled launcher, framework and icons * You can mix language / region settings very easy, type "LOC" in the CHANGER for more info and settings. * Add rt3070v2 support by typing "RT3070" (type "UNRT3070" to undo) Use this option when you have no wlan, you can use this with every option * Enable/disable phone support by executing "PHONE" * Change the font/lang to Turkish (type in CHANGER "TR" ) * Change the font/lang to Thai (type in CHANGER "TH" ) * Change the font/lang to Arabic (type in CHANGER "AR" ) all the honeycombmods.* Type "UNLITE" in CHANGER to get the extra apps back.
#Universal uberoid wm8650 by hch free#
* Create a LiTE version, in CHANGER you type "LiTE", this makes 40.5MB free in the ROM. * Format a SD properly and copy Uberoid to it (type in CHANGER "SDFORMAT", or anwer "y" after CHANGER has received "n" to the COPY question, it will ask you if you want to format and copy to SD.) * copy Uberoid to SD (type in CHANGER "SD", or anwer "y" after CHANGER has set a model, it will ask you to copy to SD.) * select your model (changes ROM config according to you model) In Linux/Android, you can run CHANGER.SH to setup the model for your ROM, other CHANGER functions will be Type "X" in CHANGER to see all XTRA commands.
#Universal uberoid wm8650 by hch Pc#
In general, Uberoid is a highly optimized ROM for WM8650 tablets that is easy to modify: Run CHANGER.BAT on a Windows PC to setup and / or personalize the ROM. Uberoid is a modded 1.5.5 firmware with 1.5.5 Green and Blue kernels with loaders from 1.3.1. Warning, flashing improperly could brick your device! || || a lot in performance, but also in usability. || and equipped with a lot of boosts as usual, improving your chinese tablet || || about all different screen sizes from 5" to 10.2". This includes tablets that have a sim card / phone function and || | Universal WM8650 Uberoid v11 runs on 143 models of VIA/WM 8650 chip based |